About the maniac

I am a maniac, also known as Abhisek Rai Akrant, who likes doing things in his own way. Sometimes different, sometimes common, this is Abhisek for you. Motivating others and bringing best out of their life is what I love doing. No matter what problem you are having never quit, never quit, just keep going, undeterred …… is my driving force. You can always find me smiling, even when someone is scolding me :p :p. I am an intricate guy, too puddling for you to understand but have faith in me and you can understand my true self.  I have had my share bad times, and then good times too and during all these ups and downs I learnt innumerable things, which has transcended my thought process to a great extent. I am not one of those guys who is perfect and living life perfectly, instead you will find me a casual guy, having tons of dreams in his minuscule brain, dancing, singing and slowly but steadily reaching towards his best life.

Most of my waking hours are spent on my dream venture, which is online content writing. I am trying to give best shot to be a successful entrepreneur. Lastly, I am unpredictable, even I can’t predict my reaction to a certain thing,  so if someone thinks that he/she can predict about me, then he/she is completely wrong. Keep smiling and Cheers :)…………………


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